Why you should let STEVE PITMAN CONSULTING represent your company in its strategic human resource planning, current vacancies and future candidate attraction and retention programs:

STEVE PITMAN CONSULTING has developed a reputation for:

  1. Professional, knowledgeable and confidential representation of employer clients and candidate career opportunities.
  2. Experienced team of professional Consultants with industry specific vocational and genuine technical knowledge.
  3. Provision of accurate information and consultative guidance, recommendations and advice to employer clients.
  4. Ability to comprehend, interpret and professionally present career opportunities and positions.
  5. Intuition and perception to accurately assess candidates and ensure only candidates with the correct experience, skills, knowledge, industry specific networks and established relationships are identified and presented.
  6. Ability to attract, negotiate, influence and secure premium calibre candidates in a competitive, quality-candidate scarce environment.
  7. Performance and results through being the extension of and with the best interests of our employers and clients always at front of mind.
  8. Thoroughness, quality and confidentiality of the professional services and value-add relationship provided to employer clients.
  9. Ongoing support and counsel to facilitate and develop structure within employer/client organisations and thereby ensure placed candidates can perform at their best.
  10. Function as a permanent window into both the Active Job-Seeking Candidate and Passive Candidate pools to identify and continually secure the very best candidate resources.