Allow the Consultant to Manage and Influence a Positive Outcome.

  • Exclusive Representation emphasises your Professionalism.
    Agree with the Consultant on a defined period of Exclusive Representation in order to secure an interview for you with the Decision-Makers within Prospective Employers, usually at least 2 weeks. This will be subject to the available opportunities, clients’ level of urgency in filling a position, their availability, speed of response and internal processes, etc.
  • Prepare for the Interview.
    Research the Employer after that information is provided. Review and memorise your resume in detail. Dress smartly. Allow for travel, traffic conditions, parking and time to orientate yourself. In discussion, seek to understand the employers’ needs and present yourself as the solution to those immediate and future needs, offering additional attributes, value and contribution.
  • Provide Feedback to the Consultant after the interview.
    Honest feedback helps us to reinforce your suitability and keen interest in the position. Immediately following the interview, discuss with your consultant both the positives and any negatives or hesitation. This provides the platform for the Consultant to address any concerns, negate perceived or real issues, ensure both parties have clear understanding of expectations and capabilities and ensure an attractive salary package and suitable start date can be negotiated.
  • The Home Stretch
    Be informative, accessible and prompt with referee details in order for the Consultant to efficiently close the deal and complete the negotiations on your behalf. Remember, YOUR credibility and Reputation is now at stake.

To start the search for your perfect career path and position, please Contact Us to discuss your experience, qualifications, career aspirations and objectives. Alternatively, you can Search Current Jobs and Register through our Website.